I am delighted to announce my new show!
"The Nature of Secrets"
Alla Prima Paintings in the nature of secrets - reflections of hidden places, taking you back to a wonderful experience or an overlooked corner of your world. I offer them as objects of contemplation, and reminders of the presence of beauty in you and in your life.
Showing now!
65 Second Street
Monument, CO 80132.
This charming establishment is owned and operated by Tom and Diane Wisdom
- their mission is to infuse life with tea, conversation and art!
Here are some pics of the show - if these whet your appetite, be sure to come up for tea, yummy lunches and Diane's delicious scones! and treat yourself to a painting - a beautiful reminder of the presence of beauty in your life.
"Sunshine In a Chinese Vase"
acrylic on canvas, 24" x 12" x 1.5".